But I felt like posting this today, it's amazing. I had seen this video before in youtube but with a "soundtrack" using "open your eyes" song from Snow Patrol. Well, I prefer the original sound of the Ferrari 275 GTB engine! ;-)
After being in Paris and walking a lot around the city, the video gained a whole different meaning to me.

"On an August morning in 1978, French filmmaker Claude Lelouch mounted a gyro-stabilized camera to the bumper of a Ferrari 275 GTB and had a friend, a professional Formula 1 racer, drive at breakneck speed through the heart of Paris early in the morning . The film was limited for technical reasons to 10 minutes; the course was from Porte Dauphine , through the Louvre, to the Basilica of Sacre Coeur.
No streets were closed, for Lelouch was unable to obtain a permit.
The driver completed the course in about 9 minutes, reaching nearly=201 MPH (324 Km/h) in some stretches. The footage reveals him running real red lights, nearly hitting real pedestrians, and driving the wrong way up real one-way streets. Upon showing the film in public for the first time, Lelouch was arrested. He has never revealed the identity of the driver, and the film went underground. If you haven't seen this before it is a classic, if you have seen it I apologize, but it's still a classic."
No streets were closed, for Lelouch was unable to obtain a permit.
The driver completed the course in about 9 minutes, reaching nearly=201 MPH (324 Km/h) in some stretches. The footage reveals him running real red lights, nearly hitting real pedestrians, and driving the wrong way up real one-way streets. Upon showing the film in public for the first time, Lelouch was arrested. He has never revealed the identity of the driver, and the film went underground. If you haven't seen this before it is a classic, if you have seen it I apologize, but it's still a classic."
Thanks to Luciano, corrections to this post: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%27%C3%A9tait_un_rendez-vous
Parece que o proprio Lelouche tava no volante, e foi numa Mercedes 450. O som da Ferrari foi colocado depois: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%27%C3%A9tait_un_rendez-vous . Bem legal mesmo assim. abraço!
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