1. Opening up your stride. Not only does this fatigue your leg muscles, it can lead to injury. Pick up speed by shortening your stride, staying light on your feet, and increasing your leg turnover.
[MC] Back in 2006 I had decided to use a wide stride in a relay competition in Brazil because I truly believed I had to take advantage of my long legs. It was a terrible mistake, it led me to a hip injury that almost kept me out of the NYC marathon later that year
2. Not resting enough. Take a day off from running, or at least go very easy the day after a long or hard run.
[MC] It's proven by facts that the right combination of trainings and day-offs lead to improved performance. When I am training regularly, day-offs are full of anxiousness, but I have been trying to relax, which is a great add-on for recovery. One great product my girlfriend introduced to me is Arnica Oil from Weleda. I highly recommend it, you can massage yourself while immersed in a bathtub filled with warm water. I've found awesome results.
3. Resting too much. Some runners take two to four weeks off after a marathon. You'll recover faster by taking liberal walking breaks during a 30- to 45-minute run every other day for up to a month after your marathon.4. Overdressing. You should feel slightly chilled when you start running on a cool day. If you bundle up, you'll be too hot by the end of the first mile.
[MC] I tend to do the opposite because most of my running experience happened in a tropical country. I do remember that while running the NYC marathon I had to get rid of some clothing because it got unbearable at some point.
5. Not having a goal. Even a small goal will get you out running on days when you're just not in the mood. Pick a local race. Or celebrate your workout with a pizza afterward.
[MC] Rewarding yourself afterwards is really nice and I try to do it after every hard training. It might be expensive ice-cream or chocolate, a fine dinner, buying some new running equipment or something from the apple store... I can think about thousands of rewarding rituals... but goals are really important. Since I decided to run Manhattan completely I have been able to get out to the streets no matter the weather. Also, I want to get back to marathons or maybe trying an ultra-marathon. The ice-marathon is in my mind.
6. Aiming too high. Choose a goal that's within your reach. Instead of trying to run a minute faster than you did last year, shoot for 10 seconds faster than you ran a month ago.
[MC] This usually leads to frustration and injury. One thing that I follow is 10% increase in the volume of mileage per week and no more than that. Since I ran a marathon I know I can run another, but I won't live without challenge myself to a next level.
7. Going solo. Your long runs and races will become more enjoyable if you have a group of runners to share them with.
[MC] Wanna join me? Anywhere in NYC!
8. Eating too much or not enough. Eating about 250 calories an hour or two before the run usually will keep your energy up for 60 to 90 minutes.
[MC] This is something I m trying to pay more attention to. I hate those carb gels and I am looking for alternatives. I've been told about zig bars and I will find out more about it.
9. Starting too fast. Even running 10 seconds per mile too fast at the beginning can force you to slow down by 20 to 30 seconds per mile at the end. It's better to start 10 to 20 seconds per mile slower than goal pace, and then pick up the pace by running 20 to 30 seconds per mile faster during the last miles of the race.
[MC] Also, I had the misconception that you should avoid walking during a training or a race. I had that feeling that I was failing to run if I walked. Truth is, strategical walking during a race may lead you to an average better time at the end. There are studies pointing to this direction, I will try to get more information about it.
10. Telling yourself you can't. Instead, whisper "I can," and remind yourself that running is the best way to feel revived and reduce stress. Believe in yourself. Yes, you can.
[MC] By saying this to myself every ten minutes after the 20th mile, I was able to finish the NYC Marathon with a great result: 3h50min
[MC] "It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop." -- Confucius
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