Saturday, September 26, 2009

7 things to remember when road racing

Credit: Allsport UK

Here are the seven most important rules of road racing:

1. If you haven't officially entered a race, don't run. Don't be a bandit who steals services from paying runners.

2. Leave children, dogs, and well-meaning friends on the sidelines.Baby joggers and leashed pets create hazards for the runners around you. So do supporters accompanying you on bicycles or skates.

3. Position yourself in the crowd behind the starting line according to how you honestly expect to finish. Pace signs posted to guide you to your proper starting location refer to your average time for the entire race, not how fast you could run a single mile.

4. Run in a straight line whenever possible. Look before your veer (or spit or blow your nose), and don't change lanes unless you're two steps in front of the nearest runner. If you take walking breaks, run to the side of the road before you walk.

5. Run side by side with no more than one companion. Don't create a roadblock for the runners behind you, especially when your group stops to drink or walk.

6. Carry out your own trash if you packed energy bars or gels to consume along the way. The race will take care of aid-station cups.

7. If you have a complaint about the event, don't tell it to the race volunteers who have come out to help. Take your concern to the race director ? preferably in writing ? after the heat of race day has cooled.

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